Monday, October 20, 2025
Canebrake Club
23015 Founders Circle
Athens, AL 35613
The Golf Classic is the largest annual scholarship fundraiser for the Alumni Association, with all proceeds awarded in the upcoming academic year.
- 10:30 am: Lunch and Check-In
- 12:00 pm: Shotgun Start
- 5:00 pm (approx.): Dinner and Prizes
- Championship Flight (1st Place)
- Championship Flight (2nd Place)
- First Flight (1st Place)
- First Flight (2nd Place)
- Longest Drive (Men/Women)
- Closest to the Hole (Men/Women)
- This is a 4 person scramble. Course rules, scores, and rain delays are determined by Canebrake and will be conveyed on the day of the tournament.
- Mulligan** – limit 2 per golfer. A replay of a stroke per Mulligan.
- Power Drive** – Limit 1 per golfer. Men hit from the senior’s tee, seniors hit from the ladies’ tee, and ladies hit from the 150-yard marker. **Usage of mulligans or power drives invalidates eligibility for prize holes where applicable.
Team – $800
- Each team player will receive a shared cart, lunch, dinner, greens fees, course refreshments, 2 mulligans & 1 power drive, and a hospitality gift.
Individual – $250
- Each player will receive a shared cart, lunch, dinner, greens fees, course refreshments, 2 mulligans & 1 power drive, and a hospitality gift.
Presenting Sponsor – $5,000 – SOLD
- Recognition as tournament presenter (i.e. Athens State University Alumni Golf Classic presented by Your Company)
- Logo as presenting sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on all printed material, including golf cart flyer
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
- Hole signage with logo
- Two (2) foursomes
- Social media recognition as tournament sponsor
- Pre and post-tournament announcements
Golf Ball Sponsor – $3,000 – SOLD
- Logo on golf balls
- Name or logo as golf ball sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on all printed material, including golf cart flyer
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
- One (1) foursome
Hole Sponsor with foursome – $2,000
- Hole signage with logo
- Name or logo as hole sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
- One (1) foursome
Team Photo Sponsor – $2,000 – SOLD
- Logo on the team photo folder
- Name or logo as team photo sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
- Social media recognition as a photo sponsor
Hole Sponsor – $1,200
- Hole signage with logo
- Name or logo as hole sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
Lunch Sponsor – $1,000 – SOLD
- Name or logo as hole sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
- Social media recognition as lunch sponsor
Dinner Sponsor – $1,000 – SOLD
- Name or logo as hole sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
- Social media recognition as dinner sponsor
Half Hole Sponsor – $600
- Shared hole signage with another sponsor
- Name or logo as a half-hole sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
Beverage Sponsor – $500 – SOLD
- Logo on course coolers
- Name or logo as beverage sponsor on the tournament webpage
- Logo on the event banner at the tournament
Scholarship Friend
- Donors of $100 or more will be listed on the event banner at the tournament

Golf Ball Sponsor

Team Photo Sponsor

Hole Sponsors

Bill Dunnavant

JJ and Dottie Donahue

Shirley & Marion D. Williams

Lunch Sponsor

Dinner Sponsor

Half Hole Sponsor

Beverage Sponsor
Representative Danny Crawford
Alabama House of Representatives